前叙利亚总统阿萨德在逃往俄罗斯后大声疾呼, Former Syrian President Assad speaks out after fleeing to Russia, blaming collapse on "terrorism."
叙利亚前总统巴沙尔·阿萨德在叛乱分子推翻他的政权后逃往俄罗斯后发表了他的第一份声明. Former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made his first statement since fleeing to Russia after a rebel offensive toppled his regime. 叙利亚政府的崩是因为"恐怖主义", 叙利亚总统阿萨德声称他的离去并非计划, Blaming "terrorism" for the regime's collapse, Assad claimed his departure was not planned and occurred after a Russian request to evacuate due to the fall of Damascus and withdrawal of Syrian forces from all battle lines. 阿萨德统治在五十年家庭统治后垮台,受到庆祝和国际社会呼吁在叙利亚实现新的过渡。 The collapse of Assad's rule, following a five-decade family reign, has been met with celebrations and international calls for a new transition in Syria.