叙利亚总统阿萨德在叛军攻击阿勒颇时与海湾领导人讨论区域安全。 Syrian President Assad discusses regional security with Gulf leaders as rebels attack Aleppo.
叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德在星期六与阿联酋、伊拉克和阿曼的领导人通了电话,讨论区域问题和反恐努力。 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held phone calls with leaders from the UAE, Iraq, and Oman on Saturday, discussing regional issues and counter-terrorism efforts. 阿联酋和伊拉克表示支持叙利亚的反恐斗争,强调稳定对区域安全的重要性。 The UAE and Iraq expressed support for Syria's fight against terrorism, emphasizing the importance of stability for regional security. 与此同时,阿勒颇的反叛分子发动了一场涉及基地组织相关团体的重大攻势,促使叙利亚政府在俄罗斯和伊朗的支持下做出反反应。 Meanwhile, rebels in Aleppo launched a major offensive involving al-Qaida-linked groups, prompting a counter-response from the Syrian government, backed by Russia and Iran. 阿曼敦促对话和政治解决办法,以维护叙利亚的主权和统一。 Oman urged dialogue and political solutions to maintain Syria's sovereignty and unity. 埃及官员也讨论了伊德利布和阿勒颇地区紧张局势升级的问题,埃及支持叙利亚在区域稳定中的作用。 Egyptian officials also discussed the escalating tensions in Idlib and Aleppo, with Egypt supporting Syria's role in regional stability.