约旦否认敦促阿萨德摆脱流亡统治,尽管官员逼迫他离开叙利亚。 Jordan denies urging Assad to rule from exile, though officials pushed him to leave Syria.
约旦驻美国大使馆否认华尔街日报关于约旦敦促叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德从流亡中统治的说法。 The Jordanian embassy in the U.S. has denied claims by the Wall Street Journal that Jordan urged Syrian President Bashar Assad to rule from exile. 大使馆称报告为“完全没有根据和虚假”。 The embassy called the report "entirely unfounded and false." 同时,据报道,埃及和约旦官员敦促阿萨德离开叙利亚,成立一个临时理事会。 Meanwhile, Egyptian and Jordanian officials reportedly urged Assad to leave Syria and form an interim council. 然而,尽管最近出现军事挫折,阿萨德仍留在叙利亚。 However, Assad has stayed in Syria despite recent military setbacks. 随着国际社会对阿萨德的支持减弱,冲突仍在继续。 The conflict continues as international support for Assad wanes.