美国和地区外交官齐聚一堂,讨论叙利亚的政治解决方案和稳定问题。 US and regional diplomats meet to discuss political solutions and stability for Syria.
美国和地区外交官正在举行会议,讨论叙利亚的未来,重点是这个饱受战争蹂躏的国家的政治解决办法和稳定。 US and regional diplomats are meeting to discuss the future of Syria, focusing on political solutions and stability in the war-torn country. 这些会谈旨在解决治理、安全和人道主义援助等关键问题。 The talks aim to address key issues including governance, security, and humanitarian aid. 代表们正在努力采取统一办法支持一个和平与稳定的叙利亚。 Representatives are working towards a unified approach to support a peaceful and stable Syria.