在芝加哥的西塞罗和罗斯福附近开枪,导致车祸、一人死亡、六人受伤。 Shooting near Cicero and Roosevelt in Chicago led to a car crash, one death, and six injuries.
Cicero和芝加哥附近发生的枪击事件导致车祸,造成1人死亡,6人受伤。 A shooting near Cicero and Chicago led to a car crash, resulting in one death and six injuries. 至少有四人遭到枪击,有关枪手和受害者的详细情况仍然不明。 At least four people were shot, with details about the shooter and victims still unknown. 事件发生在罗斯福和西塞罗交叉口附近,调查正在多个部门的协助下进行。 The incident occurred near the intersection of Roosevelt and Cicero, and the investigation is ongoing with assistance from multiple departments.