芝加哥加菲尔德公园的一场致命事故造成一名妇女死亡,另外四人受伤,其中包括儿童。 A fatal crash in Chicago's Garfield Park killed one woman and injured four others, including children.
星期日下午1时30分左右在芝加哥加菲尔德公园发生致命事故,造成一名妇女死亡,另外四人受伤严重,其中包括三名儿童。 A fatal crash occurred in Garfield Park, Chicago, on Sunday around 1:30 p.m., killing one woman and seriously injuring four others, including three children. 事件发生时,一辆Lexus SUV击中了西湖街的一个柱子。 The incident happened when a Lexus SUV struck a pillar on West Lake Street. 受害者被送往医院,该名妇女后来被宣布死亡。 The victims were taken to hospitals, with the woman later pronounced dead. 芝加哥警察局重大事故股正在进行调查,没有发布任何引证。 The Chicago Police Department's Major Accidents Unit is investigating, and no citations have been issued.