现代帆船正在复苏,以帮助航运业在欧盟新条例之前减少碳足迹。 Modern sail-assisted cargo ships are reviving to help shipping reduce its carbon footprint, ahead of new EU regulations.
风帆动力货船正在卷土重来,以减少航运业的碳排放,航运业的碳排放量约占全球温室气体的 3%。 Sail-powered cargo ships are making a comeback to cut the shipping industry's carbon emissions, which account for about 3% of global greenhouse gases. 现代帆船利用高技术导航和机械化帆来提高效率。 Modern sail-assisted ships use high-tech navigation and mechanized sails for efficiency. 欧盟计划从2025年开始执行低碳燃料条例,预计风力助推推进将在该行业向更清洁能源的过渡中发挥关键作用。 The EU plans to enforce low-carbon fuel regulations starting 2025, and wind-assisted propulsion is expected to play a crucial role in the industry's transition to cleaner energy.