苏格兰对高收入者增税可能适得其反,警告IFS,因为人们会离开或减少应纳税收入。 Scottish tax hikes on high earners may backfire, warns IFS, as people leave or reduce taxable income.
财政研究所(IFS)警告说,苏格兰对高收入者的较高税收可能会减少因人们离开或减少其应纳税收入而产生的收入。 The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warns that Scotland's higher taxes on high earners may reduce revenue due to people leaving or reducing their taxable income. 苏格兰政府自2017年以来的增税旨在为公共服务筹集更多资金, 但IFS建议暂停进一步增税, The Scottish government's tax hikes since 2017 aim to raise more for public services, but the IFS suggests a pause on further increases until more evidence is available. 国家审计署还警告说,随着更多的人在苏格兰避高税,将会受到金融打击。 The National Audit Office also warns of a financial hit as more people avoid higher taxes in Scotland.