安大略董事会规定政府不得非法锁定罢工工程师,驳回申诉。 Ontario board rules government not unlawfully locking out striking engineers, dismissing complaint.
安大略省劳资关系委员会驳回了安大略省专业工程师政府(PEGO)提出的一项申诉,称省政府并没有非法锁定进行轮工的工程师。 The Ontario Labour Relations Board has dismissed a complaint by the Professional Engineers Government of Ontario (PEGO), stating that the provincial government is not unlawfully locking out engineers who are on rotating strikes. PEGO声称政府暂停了工程师的工作, 阻止他们返回工作“直到另行通知为止”。 PEGO had claimed the government suspended engineers by preventing them from returning to work "until further notice." 工程师们反对新的合同谈判,特别要求更高的工资,因为他们有时挣得市政府类似职位的一半工资。 The engineers are striking over new contract negotiations, specifically seeking higher pay as they sometimes earn half of what similar positions in municipalities earn. 政府坚持说,它正在就一项公平合同开展工作。 The government maintains it is working on a fair contract.