福特联合王国工人因薪酬纠纷而罢工,包括一次性支付2024年,而不是永久加薪。 Ford UK workers strike over pay disputes, including a one-off 2024 payment instead of permanent raises.
联合王国福特工人因薪酬和合同纠纷而举行罢工,包括2024年一次性付款,而不是长期加薪,以及实行与业绩有关的薪酬。 Ford UK workers are on strike over pay and contract disputes, including a one-off payment for 2024 instead of permanent raises and the introduction of performance-related pay. 联合工会声称福特的提议不够充分,而福特则以公平方式维护其5%的加薪提议。 The Unite union claims Ford's offer is inadequate, while Ford defends its 5% pay increase offer as fair. 罢工涉及福特的Dagenham和Speke工厂,管理层也在薪酬问题上发生争执。 The strike involves Ford's Dagenham and Speke plants, with management also in dispute over pay.