伊利诺伊州最高法院规定,尽管大麻是合法的,但闻到生大麻的味道仍允许对车辆进行搜查。 Illinois Supreme Court rules that smelling raw cannabis allows vehicle searches, despite cannabis's legality.
伊利诺伊州最高法院裁定,如果车辆闻到原大麻的味道,警方可以搜查车辆,尽管大麻对该州成年人是合法的。 The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that police can search a vehicle if they smell raw cannabis, even though cannabis is legal for adults in the state. 这一决定与法院先前的裁决形成对照,法院先前的裁决是,光是烧焦大麻的味道不足以进行搜查。 This decision contrasts with the court's previous ruling that the smell of burnt cannabis alone is not enough for a search. 裁决来自一个案例, 一名士兵闻到了生大麻的味道, 并在一辆车里发现了大麻关节。 The ruling came from a case where a trooper smelled raw cannabis and found marijuana joints in a car. 两名法官表示反对,辩护律师打算向美国最高法院提出上诉。 Two justices objected, and defense attorneys plan to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.