牛津郡警方抓获一名大麻男子, 命令他参加网上毒品教育课程。 Police in Oxfordshire caught a man with cannabis and ordered him to take an online drugs education course instead.
2月1日,泰晤士河谷警察局农村犯罪工作队的警官在牛津郡发现一名男子吸大麻,因为他们在Wantage附近的农村地区巡逻时注意到该毒品的强烈气味。 A man in Oxfordshire was found with cannabis by police officers from the Thames Valley Police's Rural Crime Taskforce on February 1, after they noticed a strong smell of the drug during patrols in a rural area near Wantage. 警官们正在进行野兔巡逻,并将在周末继续巡逻。 The officers were conducting hare coursing patrols and will continue to patrol over the weekend. 这名男子没有被起诉,而是被命令完成在线毒品教育课程。 Instead of being charged, the man was ordered to complete an online drugs education course.