Uber Eats司机发现了藏在墨西哥卷饼里的大麻 导致警方调查 Uber Eats driver discovers marijuana hidden in burrito order, leading to police investigation.
新泽西州华盛顿镇的一位Uber Eats司机注意到墨西哥卷饼订购的大麻香味浓厚, An Uber Eats driver in Washington Township, New Jersey, noticed a strong smell of marijuana from a burrito order and alerted the police. 经调查,警官在包裹内发现一盎司的生大麻、一瓶水和一盒汤。 Upon investigation, officers found over an ounce of raw marijuana, a bottle of water, and a box of soup inside the package. 警方正在把Burrito作为证据对待,并正在调查此案。 The police are treating the 'burrito' as evidence and are investigating the case.