伊利诺伊州最高法院裁定,光是焚烧大麻的气味,就没有理由对车辆进行搜查。 Illinois Supreme Court rules that burnt cannabis odor alone does not warrant a vehicle search.
伊利诺伊州最高法院裁定,光凭烧焦大麻的气味不足以证明有理由对车辆进行无证搜查。 The Illinois Supreme Court has determined that the smell of burnt cannabis alone does not justify a warrantless search of a vehicle. 这项裁决源于2020年的交通阻塞,强调由于大麻在伊利诺伊州合法化,因此这种气味并不表明在没有其他可疑情况的情况下进行非法活动。 This ruling, which stems from a 2020 traffic stop, emphasizes that since cannabis was legalized in Illinois, the odor does not indicate illegal activity without additional suspicious circumstances. 法院的一致裁决使大麻管制与酒精管制相一致,加强了对可能原因的需要。 The court's unanimous decision aligns cannabis regulation with that of alcohol, reinforcing the need for probable cause.