伊利诺伊州最高法院裁定,汽车中生大麻的气味证明搜查是正当的。 Illinois Supreme Court rules that the smell of raw cannabis in a car justifies a search.
伊利诺伊州最高法院认定,车辆中生大麻的气味使警察有进行搜查的可能理由,而烧焦大麻的气味不同。 The Illinois Supreme Court has determined that the smell of raw cannabis in a vehicle gives police probable cause to conduct a search, unlike the smell of burnt cannabis. 这项裁决源于一个案件,其中一名警官查获了生大麻,导致发现多处关节。 This ruling stems from a case where an officer detected raw cannabis, leading to the discovery of multiple joints. 法院强调,大麻必须放在车辆中密封、防臭的容器内,并建议立法者澄清情况。 The court emphasized that cannabis must be in a sealed, odor-proof container in vehicles, and advised lawmakers to clarify the situation.