俄亥俄州将休闲大麻合法化后,训练有素的警犬检测大麻就变得过时了。 Ohio police dogs trained to detect marijuana rendered obsolete after state legalizes recreational pot.
在俄亥俄州娱乐大麻合法化之后,经过训练可以检测大麻的警犬已经过时了。 Police dogs in Ohio trained to detect marijuana have become obsolete following the legalization of recreational pot in the state. 由于国家不再需要它们的服务,因此不再需要这些狗。 The dogs are no longer needed as the state no longer requires their services. 重新训练狗闻其他药物的气味似乎很困难。 It appears to be difficult to retrain the dogs to smell other drugs.