德克萨斯州的一名联邦法官驳回了波音公司就 737 Max 坠机事件达成的认罪协议,称其不充分。 A federal judge in Texas rejected Boeing's plea deal over the 737 Max crashes, calling it inadequate.
德克萨斯州的一名联邦法官驳回了波音公司与司法部在涉及波音 737 Max 飞机致命坠毁事故的案件中的认罪协议。 A federal judge in Texas rejected Boeing's plea deal with the Department of Justice in a case involving the fatal crashes of Boeing 737 Max planes. 法官认为该协议不充分,是对受害者家属的背叛。 The judge found the agreement inadequate and a betrayal to the victims' families. 这一决定可能需要波音和美国司法部重新谈判认罪协议,这增加了该公司的法律挑战的不确定性。 This decision may require Boeing and the DOJ to renegotiate the plea agreement, adding uncertainty to the company's legal challenges.