联邦法官驳回了波音公司就 737 Max 坠机事件达成的认罪协议,称其不充分。 Federal judge rejects Boeing's plea deal over 737 Max crashes, calling it inadequate.
德克萨斯州的一名联邦法官驳回了波音公司与司法部就造成 346 人死亡的 737 Max 坠机事件达成的认罪协议。 A federal judge in Texas rejected Boeing's plea deal with the Department of Justice related to the 737 Max crashes, which killed 346 people. 法官认为该协议不充分,是对受害者家属的背叛。 The judge deemed the agreement inadequate and a betrayal to the victims' families. 这一拒绝使波音的刑事案件变得不确定,可能导致该公司与司法部之间进行新的谈判。 This rejection leaves Boeing's criminal case uncertain, potentially leading to new negotiations between the company and the DOJ.