346名坠机受害者亲属质疑波音的认罪求情协议, 346 crash victims' relatives challenge Boeing's plea agreement, claiming it lacks accountability.
两次波音737Max撞车案的346名受害人的亲属对波音和联邦检察官之间的认罪协议提出了挑战,他们认为该协议过于宽容。 Relatives of the 346 victims from two Boeing 737 Max crashes are challenging a plea agreement between Boeing and federal prosecutors, which they consider too lenient. 这笔交易涉及2.436亿美元的罚款,对安全方案投资4.55亿美元,以及三年缓刑。 The deal involves a $243.6 million fine, a $455 million investment in safety programs, and three years of probation. 家庭认为,这不足以使Boeing对误导监管者进行试点培训负责。 Families argue this does not adequately hold Boeing accountable for misleading regulators about pilot training. 联邦法官将在法庭上听取他们的反对意见。 A federal judge will hear their objections in court.