联邦法官拒绝波音的认罪协议 超过737 Max, 引述多样性条款的问题。 Federal judge rejects Boeing's plea deal over 737 Max, citing issues with diversity clause.
得克萨斯州一名联邦法官拒绝认罪协议 允许波音向误导监管者认罪 有关737 Max 喷气式飞机机的737号 A federal judge in Texas has rejected a plea deal that would have allowed Boeing to plead guilty to misleading regulators about the 737 Max jetliner before two fatal crashes killed 346 people. 法官在挑选独立监测员时反对该交易的多样性条款。 The judge objected to the deal's diversity clause in selecting an independent monitor. 这一决定对波音的刑事起诉造成了不确定性,公司和司法部有30天的时间作出反应。 This decision creates uncertainty over Boeing's criminal prosecution, and the company and the Justice Department have 30 days to respond.