中国海岸警卫队从有争议的Diaoyu Dao群岛附近水域驱逐了一艘日本渔船。 Chinese Coast Guard expelled a Japanese fishing vessel from waters near the disputed Diaoyu Dao islands.
12月5日,一艘日本渔船被中国海岸警卫队驱逐出中国领水Diaoyu Dao群岛附近海域。 A Japanese fishing vessel was expelled from China's territorial waters near the Diaoyu Dao islands by China's Coast Guard on December 5. 中国海岸警卫队警告并驱走该船,强调这些岛屿是中国领土的一部分。 The Chinese Coast Guard warned and drove the vessel away, emphasizing that the islands are part of China's territory. 发言人刘德俊敦促日本停止该地区的一切非法活动,并重申中国承诺保护其领水。 The spokesperson, Liu Dejun, urged Japan to stop all illegal activities in the area and reaffirmed China's commitment to protecting its territorial waters.