特朗普提供亿万富翁史蒂芬·芬伯格 副国防部长的角色 引发利益冲突辩论 Trump offers billionaire Stephen Feinberg the Deputy Defense Secretary role, sparking conflict of interest debates.
据报告,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普向Cerberus资本管理公司共同创始人兼首席执行官、亿万富翁史蒂芬·芬伯格提出担任副国防部长一职。 US President Donald Trump has reportedly offered the position of Deputy Secretary of Defense to billionaire Stephen Feinberg, co-founder and CEO of Cerberus Capital Management. Feinberg的公司对持五角大楼合同的国防公司进行投资,这引起了潜在的利益冲突问题。 Feinberg's company has investments in defense firms with Pentagon contracts, raising potential conflict of interest concerns. 该提议尚未得到Trump的确认,需要参议院批准才能让Feinberg担任这一职务。 The offer is not yet confirmed by Trump, and Senate approval would be required for Feinberg to take the role.