欧盟的政策限制了联合王国管理海峡过境点的能力,使移徙面临不断变化的挑战。 EU policies restrict UK's ability to manage Channel crossings, shifting migration challenges.
文章认为,欧盟通过限制联合王国管理海峡过境点的能力,正在将其移民挑战转移到联合王国。 The article contends that the EU is shifting its migration challenges to the UK by restricting the UK's ability to manage Channel crossings. 在地中海过境点减少的同时,欧盟的政策阻止联合王国采取与意大利相似的有效战略。 While Mediterranean crossings decline, EU policies prevent the UK from adopting effective strategies similar to those used in Italy. 提交人呼吁与法国合作努力,加强驱逐程序,利用军事支持保护沿海,并执行一项打击人口贩运和走私的新协定。 The author calls for a collaborative effort with France to enhance deportation processes, utilize military support for coastal protection, and implement a new agreement to combat human trafficking and smuggling.