新墨西哥军官开枪,德明对峙后疑似受伤;军官休假。 New Mexico officer shoots, wounds suspect after standoff in Deming; officer placed on leave.
新墨西哥州警察星期一上午在蒙特蒙特路8030号在迪明参与一起枪击事件。 New Mexico State Police were involved in a shooting incident in Deming on Monday morning at 8030 Monte Road. 一名55岁的嫌疑人John Dwillis在对峙期间开枪后受伤并被空运到得克萨斯医院。 A 55-year-old suspect, John Dwillis, was injured and flown to a Texas hospital after firing a gun during a standoff. 没有任何军官受伤。 No officers were hurt. Dwillis被控严重攻击一名和平军官。 Dwillis is charged with aggravated assault on a peace officer. 向他开枪的警官正在休行政假,等待调查。 The officer who shot him is on administrative leave pending an investigation.