警官开枪,后来逮捕了企图在西埃尔帕索公路狂怒中撞倒他们的嫌犯。 Officer shoots and later apprehends suspect who tried to run them over in West El Paso road rage.
在西埃尔帕索,道路暴怒事件导致一名军官参与在Cromo和Sunland公园开枪。 In West El Paso, a road rage incident led to an officer-involved shooting at Cromo and Sunland Park. 嫌犯是一名33岁的男子,他试图撞死一名警官,结果被该警官开枪打死。 The suspect, a 33-year-old man, tried to run over an officer, resulting in the officer shooting him. 嫌疑人逃跑,但后来被捕并被送往医院。 The suspect fled but was later apprehended and taken to the hospital. 现场仍在调查之中,进一步的最新情况有待进一步更新。 The scene remains under investigation, with further updates pending.