SAPD官员在San Antonio追逐时向嫌疑人开枪;两人都逃离被拘留的嫌疑人。 SAPD officer shoots suspect during chase in San Antonio; both flee suspects in custody.
San Antonio北区的警察追捕导致一名嫌疑人被一名SAPD警官枪杀。 A police pursuit in San Antonio's North Side resulted in one suspect being shot by an SAPD officer. 秘密调查股正在追踪因暴力罪行(包括严重攻击搜查令)而被通缉的两个人。 The Covert Unit was tracking two individuals wanted for violent offenses, including an aggravated assault warrant. 嫌犯在H-E-B商店附近被发现,当他们注意到警察时逃走了。 The suspects were seen near an H-E-B store and fled when they noticed the police. 一名嫌疑人拔出武器,导致警官开枪射击一枪。 One suspect pulled out a weapon, leading to the officer firing one shot. 两名嫌疑人目前都在押,未说明被射杀嫌疑人的状况。 Both suspects are now in custody, with the shot suspect's condition unspecified.