12月19日,Marshall警察向在I-20朝他们开枪的人开枪;德州巡警将进行调查。 On Dec. 19, Marshall Police shot a person who fired at them on I-20; Texas Rangers will investigate.
12月19日,Marshall警察对州际20号发生的骚乱作出反应,遇到了一名武装人员。 On December 19, Marshall Police responded to a disturbance on Interstate 20 and encountered an armed individual. 据称,在试图缓和局势后,该个人向警察开枪,导致再次开火。 After attempts to de-escalate, the individual allegedly shot at the officers, leading to a return of fire. 此人以稳定状态被送往医院。 The person was taken to a hospital in stable condition. 得克萨斯游骑兵队将牵头进行独立调查,在提出指控后,嫌疑人的身份将被释放。 The Texas Rangers will lead an independent investigation, and the suspect's identity will be released after charges are filed.