亚利桑那州格伦代尔市一名 24 岁嫌疑人持枪行为异常,被警察开枪射杀。 24-year-old suspect shot by police in Glendale, AZ after erratic behavior with a gun.
亚利桑那州格伦代尔市一名 24 岁嫌疑人在警方接到关于持枪行为异常的 911 电话后开枪射击。 24-year-old suspect in Glendale, AZ shot after police received 911 calls about erratic behavior with a gun. 警察赶到后发现嫌疑人上了一辆汽车,朝他们驶来。 Officers arrived and saw the suspect enter a car, driving towards them. 一名警官开了数枪,击中了嫌疑人。 One officer fired multiple shots, striking the suspect. 嫌疑人已被送往医院,预计会存活下来,但没有警员受伤。 The suspect was hospitalized and expected to survive, while no officers were injured. 嫌疑人和警官的名字没有被公布。 The names of the suspect and officers were not released.