警官受伤,疑犯在得克萨斯州坦普尔开枪后逃跑;学校被关禁闭。 Officer injured, suspect flees after shooting in Temple, Texas; school put on lockdown.
德克萨斯州一名警官因12月18日的枪击事件而受伤。 A Temple, Texas police officer was injured while responding to a shooting on December 18th. 嫌疑人Matthew Young 向试图干预骚乱的旁观者开枪 The suspect, Matthew Young, shot at a bystander who tried to intervene in a disturbance. 在逮捕未遂期间,Young乘车逃跑,拖着警察,然后徒步坠落和逃跑。 During the arrest attempt, Young fled in his car, dragging the officer, before crashing and escaping on foot. 这名军官和旁观者都因无生命威胁的伤而住院。 Both the officer and the bystander were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Young后来被捕并面临多项指控。 Young was later arrested and faces multiple charges. 附近一所学校被安全关押,警察建议避开该地区。 A nearby school was placed on secure hold, and police advised avoiding the area.