英国酒吧和酒吧的精神销售下降了20%,受到恶劣天气和消费者信心低的影响。 UK spirits sales in bars and pubs fell 20%, hit by bad weather and low consumer confidence.
根据NIQ的CGA数据,英国在贸易领域的烈酒销售额与去年同期相比下降了20%. Spirits sales in the UK's on-trade sector dropped 20% compared to the same period last year, according to CGA by NIQ. 啤酒和葡萄酒销售也下降,虽然下降幅度较小。 Beer and wine sales also fell, though less severely. 这一下降与恶劣的天气和不确定的消费者信心有关。 The decline is linked to poor weather and uncertain consumer confidence. 尽管如此,一些酒吧团体正看到积极增长,希望圣诞节期间销售额会增加。 Despite this, some pub groups are seeing positive growth, and there's hope for a boost in sales during the Christmas season. 预留品和随时可饮用的鸡尾酒预计将是流行的礼物。 Premium spirits and ready-to-drink cocktails are expected to be popular gifts.