澳大利亚酒类商店因为年轻消费者饮酒减少而挣扎,迫使企业改变。 Australian liquor stores struggle as younger consumers drink less, forcing business changes.
由于较年轻的消费者饮酒较少,澳大利亚酒业正面临下滑。 The Australian liquor industry is facing a downturn due to younger consumers drinking less. 例如墨尔本《葡萄酒法案》的Andrew Crompton等店主过去18个月来不得不调整, Store owners like Andrew Crompton of Melbourne’s Act of Wine have had to adapt by restructuring their businesses and reducing staff over the past 18 months. 尽管为传统的繁忙时期做好准备,但该行业正在适应这些新的消费者习惯和经济条件。 Despite preparing for traditional busy periods, the industry is adjusting to these new consumer habits and economic conditions.