2024年安大略省的非酒精啤酒销售额在2024年猛增69%,反映出向较轻饮酒的更广泛转变。 Non-alcoholic beer sales in Ontario spiked 69% in 2024, reflecting a broader shift towards lighter drinking.
根据LCBO,安大略省的非酒精啤酒销售量在2024年猛增69%,非酒精产品总量上升了73%。 Non-alcoholic beer sales in Ontario surged 69% in 2024, according to the LCBO, with a 73% rise in overall non-alcoholic products. 消费者也正在转向较轻的葡萄酒、较小的酒精形式和对龙舌兰酒和美国威士忌的更多兴趣。 Consumers are also shifting towards lighter wines, smaller alcohol formats, and increased interest in tequila and American whiskey. 冰酒和烧酒等亚洲烈酒也出现了增长,而由于夏季罢工,销售数据可能被低估了。 Icewine and Asian spirits like soju also saw growth, while sales data may be understated due to a summer strike.