东京的石川舒祖酿酒厂预计,教科文组织对其传统酿酒方法的承认将引起全球兴趣。 Tokyo's Ishikawa Shuzou brewery anticipates global sake interest from UNESCO's recognition of its traditional brewing method.
在武士时代成立的东京酿酒厂石川舒祖(Ishikawa Shuzou)预计,教科文组织承认其传统酿酒技术为非物质文化遗产,将提升全球对酒的欢迎程度。 A Tokyo brewery, Ishikawa Shuzou, established during the samurai era, anticipates that UNESCO's recognition of its traditional sake brewing technique as Intangible Cultural Heritage will boost sake's global popularity. 几个世纪以来的方法,"圣丹吉可米", 涉及三个同时发酵的过程。 The centuries-old method, "San-Dan-Jikomi," involves three simultaneous fermentations. 酿酒厂店主希望,教科文组织的这份清单将增加海外需求,就像该组织在2013年认可日本烹饪一样。 The brewery's owner hopes this UNESCO listing will increase overseas demand for sake, much like the organization's endorsement of Japanese cuisine in 2013.