东京酒吧复兴了清酒的原汁原味的祖先 doburoku,吸引了当地人和游客。 Tokyo bar revives doburoku, unrefined ancestor of sake, attracting locals and tourists.
东京的一家酒吧,Heiwa Doburoku Kabutocho酿酒厂, 正在复兴杜布罗库, A Tokyo bar, Heiwa Doburoku Kabutocho Brewery, is reviving doburoku, an unrefined, sweet alcoholic beverage considered the ancestor of sake. 尽管1899年政府禁止家庭自产,但自2003年以来,在放松管制区继续出售多布卢库。 Despite a government ban on homebrewing in 1899, doburoku continued to be sold in deregulated zones since 2003. 到2021年,该酒吧拥有193个经批准的设施,吸引了当地人和游客,激发了人们对这一历史性饮料的独特口味和文化意义的兴趣。 With 193 authorized establishments by 2021, the bar attracts both locals and tourists, fostering interest in this historic drink's unique flavor and cultural significance.