研究发现,将妇女视为目标的青年男子更有可能实施伴侣暴力。 Study finds young men who objectify women are more likely to commit partner violence.
新的研究表明,将妇女视为对象的青年男子更有可能对其伴侣实施暴力,而不论其性别歧视态度如何。 New research indicates that young men who view women as objects are more likely to commit violence against their partners, regardless of sexist attitudes. 这些涉及18-35岁男子的浪漫关系的研究表明,那些以女性为对象的人报告暴力行为的比率较高。 The studies, involving men aged 18-35 in romantic relationships, show that those who objectify women report higher rates of violent behavior. 这一发现表明,目标化在亲密伴侣暴力中起着重要作用。 This finding suggests that objectification plays a significant role in intimate partner violence.