Iowa Rep. Randy Feenstra警告36万亿美元的国家债务威胁到经济安全,敦促削减和改革。 Iowa Rep. Randy Feenstra warns the $36 trillion national debt threatens economic security, urging cuts and reforms.
Iowa代表Randy Feenstra警告说,美国国债目前为36万亿美元,对经济安全和美元价值构成了严重威胁。 Iowa representative Randy Feenstra warns that the US national debt, now at $36 trillion, poses a severe threat to economic security and the dollar's value. 这一债务超过国内生产总值的123%,相当于每个美国人约108 000美元,每秒增长84 000美元。 This debt, exceeding 123% of GDP, equates to about $108,000 per American and grows by $84,000 every second. Feenstra呼吁减少政府开支,平衡预算,并进行效率改革,以应对危机,敦促两党努力,确保国家的财政未来。 Feenstra calls for reduced government spending, a balanced budget, and efficiency reforms to tackle the crisis, urging bipartisan efforts to secure the nation's financial future.