预计到2054年美国国债将达到141万亿美元,带来严重的经济风险。 America's national debt projected to reach $141tn by 2054, posing severe economic risks.
最近的一份报告警告说,到 2054 年,美国的国债可能达到 141 兆美元,如果不加以控制,将造成严重的、不可逆转的经济创伤。 A recent report warns that America's national debt could reach $141tn by 2054, causing severe, irreversible economic scars if left unchecked. 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔和摩根大通首席执行官杰米·戴蒙等专家对债务快速积累表示担忧,这可能会阻碍必要的借贷和现有债务的偿还。 Experts including Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon are raising concerns over the rapid accumulation of debt, which could hinder necessary borrowing and servicing of existing debt. 国会预算办公室三月份的一份报告证实了这些担忧。 A March report from the Congressional Budget Office corroborates these fears.