美国财政报告显示,联邦债务、负债和无准备金债务为142万亿美元,相当于美国成立以来财富的93%。 US Treasury report reveals $142 trillion in federal debts, liabilities, and unfunded obligations, equating to 93% of America's wealth since its founding.
美国国库报告显示,联邦政府债务、负债和无准备金债务为142万亿美元,根据权责发生制会计,相当于美国成立以来财富的93%。 The US Treasury report reveals $142 trillion in federal government debts, liabilities, and unfunded obligations, equating to 93% of America's wealth since its founding, according to accrual accounting. 这一数字包括商业资产,包括26.3万亿美元债务、16.6万亿美元未记债务和104.2万亿美元无准备金的社会保险债务。 This figure includes commercial assets, and consists of $26.3 trillion in debt, $16.6 trillion in unaccounted liabilities, and $104.2 trillion in unfunded social insurance obligations. 人均影响为430 252美元,每户1 098 087美元,是美国年GDP的两倍。 The impact per person is $430,252, and per household, it's $1,098,087, which is twice the annual US GDP.