国民债务上升超过36万亿美元,使前总统特朗普的经济计划因费用增加而复杂化。 Rising national debt surpasses $36 trillion, complicating former President Trump's economic plans due to increased costs.
国民债务不断上升,目前约为36万亿美元,对前总统特朗普的经济计划构成挑战。 The rising national debt, now at about $36 trillion, is challenging former President Trump's economic plans. 扩大后通货膨胀上升增加了借贷成本,预计明年偿债费用将超过国家安全支出。 Increased inflation post-pandemic has raised borrowing costs, with debt service costs projected to exceed national security spending next year. 这限制了特朗普执行减税和其他经济方案的能力,因为高利率也使美国人购买房屋和汽车的成本更高。 This limits Trump's ability to implement tax cuts and other economic programs, as high interest rates also make it costlier for Americans to buy homes and cars. 债务还本付息正在排挤政府在基础设施和教育等领域的支出,使恢复减税的努力复杂化,并有可能推动提高利率。 The debt service is crowding out government spending on areas like infrastructure and education, complicating efforts to renew tax cuts and potentially pushing interest rates higher.