BC裁决在Kootenay湖罢工期间扩大了轮渡通道,放宽了对当地旅客的限制。 BC ruling expands ferry access during Kootenay Lake strike, easing restrictions for local travelers.
不列颠哥伦比亚省劳资关系委员会在Kootenay湖轮渡罢工期间扩大了轮渡准入,自11月27日起生效。 The British Columbia Labour Relations Board has expanded ferry access during the Kootenay Lake ferry strike, effective November 27. 新裁定允许更多乘客登船, 包括「合法紧急情况」中的乘客, 并增加周末航行。 The new ruling allows more passengers to board, including those in "legitimate emergencies," and adds weekend sailings. 以前,只允许象有医疗预约的人、学生和学校工作人员这样的必要旅行者。 Previously, only essential travelers like those with medical appointments, students, and school staff were permitted. 这一改变旨在放宽对当地居民的旅行限制。 The change aims to ease travel restrictions for local residents.