英格兰银行警告全球贸易壁垒和紧张局势威胁联合王国金融稳定。 Bank of England warns global trade barriers and tensions threaten UK's financial stability.
英格兰银行警告说,不断上升的全球贸易壁垒和地缘政治紧张局势可能破坏联合王国的金融稳定,增加经济不确定性和市场波动。 The Bank of England warns that rising global trade barriers and geopolitical tensions could disrupt UK's financial stability, increasing economic uncertainty and market volatility. 尽管目前联合王国的家庭、企业和银行状况强劲,但报告强调了联合王国开放经济所带来的风险。 Despite current strong positions of UK households, businesses, and banks, the report highlights risks due to the UK's open economy. 该委员会计划从2025年开始每两年进行一次压力测试,以监测金融风险。 The BoE plans to conduct stress tests every two years starting 2025 to monitor financial risks.