澳大利亚政府为数十年来土著工人工资不足的180万澳元道歉和和解。 Australian government apologizes and settles for $180M over decades of Indigenous worker underpayment.
澳大利亚政府正式为1930年代至1970年代北部地区土著工人工资不足道歉。 The Australian government has officially apologized for underpaying Indigenous workers in the Northern Territory from the 1930s to the 1970s. 这种道歉是在Minnie McDonald领导的集体诉讼之后作出的,目的是解决历史不公正问题。 This apology follows a class action lawsuit led by Minnie McDonald and aims to address the historical injustice. 政府已经为大约10 000名受影响的第一民族人民解决了多达1.8亿美元的资金,这标志着在愈合与和解方面迈出了一步。 The government has settled with up to $180 million for around 10,000 affected First Nations people, marking a step towards healing and reconciliation.