新西兰为爱丽丝湖精神病医院 (Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital) 的酷刑幸存者提供补救,包括赔偿金。 New Zealand offers redress, including payments, to survivors of torture at Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital.
新西兰政府宣布了一项针对 1972 年至 1978 年间在爱丽丝湖精神病医院遭受酷刑幸存者的补救计划,包括一次性支付 150,000 美元或由仲裁员进行个人评估。 The New Zealand government has announced a redress scheme for survivors of torture at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital between 1972 and 1978, including a one-off payment of $150,000 or an individual assessment by an arbiter. 幸存者还将收到书面道歉,并帮助他们获得支持服务。 Survivors will also receive a written apology and help accessing support services. 2268 万美元的一揽子计划旨在到 2025 年底完成付款。 The $22.68 million package aims to complete payments by the end of 2025. 卢克森总理此前曾为国家和信仰护理机构的虐待行为道歉。 Prime Minister Luxon previously apologized for the abuse in state and faith-based care institutions.