墨尔本大学向25,000名收入不足的学者偿还72M美元。 University of Melbourne to repay $72M to 25,000 underpaid academics.
墨尔本大学将支付7 200多万美元给大约25 000名因不当支付做法而少付学费的学术界人士。 The University of Melbourne will pay over $72 million to around 25,000 academics who were underpaid due to improper payment practices. 该大学根据不准确的基准而不是工作时数接受低薪工作人员,有些雇员欠债达150 000美元。 The university admitted to underpaying staff based on inaccurate benchmarks instead of hours worked, with some employees owed up to $150,000. 根据与公平工作监察员的协议,偿还,包括利息和退休金,将在明年初完成。 The repayment, including interest and superannuation, will complete early next year under an agreement with the Fair Work Ombudsman.