澳大利亚联邦政府同意为北领地土著工人 (1933-1971) 窃取的工资提供2.02亿美元的和解. Australian Federal Government agrees to $202m settlement for Indigenous workers' stolen wages (1933-1971) in Northern Territory.
澳大利亚联邦政府已同意为北领地数千名原住民工人提供 2.02 亿澳元的和解金,这些工人在 1933 年至 1971 年期间因歧视性的工资控制法而被窃取工资。 The Australian Federal Government has agreed to a $202 million settlement for thousands of Indigenous workers in the Northern Territory whose wages were stolen between 1933 and 1971 due to discriminatory wage control laws. 在西澳大利亚州和昆士兰州,这种集体诉讼解决办法遵循了类似的赔偿办法。 This class action settlement follows similar compensations in Western Australia and Queensland. 经联邦法院批准,符合条件的工人和家属必须登记才能领取付款,这可以从2024年初开始。 Subject to Federal Court approval, eligible workers and families must register to receive payments, which could begin in early 2024.