调查显示,24%的美国人仍然有节假日体重增长,36%的人预计到年底会有更多增长。 Survey reveals 24% of Americans still carry holiday weight gain, with 36% expecting more gain by year's end.
根据最近对2 000名美国成年人的调查,24%的人仍然平均在去年的节假日中增加近10磅。 According to a recent survey of 2,000 U.S. adults, 24% are still carrying an average of nearly 10 pounds gained during last year's holiday season. 受访者还预计年终体重会增加,36%的受访者承认屈服于节日食物诱惑。 Respondents also expect to gain more weight by year's end, with 36% admitting to giving in to holiday food temptations. 年轻美国人,特别是Z Gen Z, 更有可能将健康饮食习惯延迟到新年。 Younger Americans, especially Gen Z, are more likely to delay healthy eating habits until the new year. 尽管存在这些挑战,接受调查的人中有65%计划在1月采取更健康习惯。 Despite these challenges, 65% of those surveyed plan to adopt healthier habits in January.