中国国家卫生健康委员会启动了一项为期三年的公众宣传活动,旨在应对成年人肥胖率居高不下的问题。 China's National Health Commission launches a three-year public awareness campaign to combat high obesity rates among adults.
中国启动了一项新的公众宣传运动来应对高肥胖率,目前该国一半的成年人口被归类为超重或肥胖。 China launched a new public awareness campaign to tackle high obesity rates, with half its adult population now classified as overweight or obese. 此次运动由国家卫生健康委员会牵头,强调终身承诺、积极监测、均衡饮食、体育锻炼、良好睡眠、合理目标和家庭行动。 This campaign, led by the National Health Commission (NHC), emphasizes lifelong commitment, active monitoring, a balanced diet, physical activity, good sleep, reasonable targets, and family action. 此项举措是中国政府为推动中国人民更加健康的生活方式而制定的三年计划的一部分。 This initiative is part of a three-year government program to promote healthier lifestyles among Chinese people.