澳大利亚正在按计划实现其2030年排放目标,将排放水平降至2005年的43%以下。 Australia is on track to meet its 2030 emissions target, reducing levels 43% below 2005.
根据气候变化部,澳大利亚将达到到2030年将排放量比2005年水平减少43%的目标。 Australia is set to meet its target of reducing emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030, according to the Climate Change department. 最新预测显示,到2030年,排放量将下降42.6%,有可能通过澳大利亚未来计划等其他政策进一步减少排放量。 The latest projections show emissions will be 42.6% lower by 2030, with potential for further reductions through additional policies like the Future Made in Australia plan. 政府还正在审查国家电力市场,以促进对可再生能源和储存的投资。 The government is also reviewing the National Electricity Market to promote investment in renewable energy and storage.