澳大利亚政府的目标是到 2030 年政府运营实现净零排放。 Australian Government targets net-zero emissions in government operations by 2030.
正如《政府运营净零排放战略》中所述,澳大利亚政府的目标是到 2030 年实现政府运营净零排放。 The Australian Government aims to reach net-zero emissions in government operations by 2030, as outlined in the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy. 财政部牵头这项倡议,恢复政府运作的温室气体排放报告并实施气候信息披露要求。 The Department of Finance leads the initiative, reinstating greenhouse gas emissions reporting for government operations and implementing climate disclosure requirements. 气候变化部支持可持续采购和风险管理。 The Department of Climate Change supports sustainable procurement and risk management. 在 2022-23 财年,非企业和企业联邦实体总共排放了 3,286,328 吨二氧化碳当量,其中电力消耗是最大的贡献者。 In the 2022-23 financial year, non-corporate and corporate Commonwealth entities emitted a total of 3,286,328 tonnes of CO2-e, with electricity consumption being the largest contributor.