联合国报告:2023年,全球有85 000名妇女和女孩被伴侣或家庭成员杀害。 UN report: 85,000 women and girls killed by partners or family members globally in 2023.
联合国报告称,每天有140名妇女和女孩被伴侣或家庭成员杀害,2023年共有85 000人死亡。 The UN reports that 140 women and girls are killed daily by partners or family members, totaling 85,000 deaths in 2023. 非洲的受害者人数最多,为21 700人。 Africa had the highest number of victims, with 21,700. 尽管为防止这种暴力作出了努力,但联合国强调必须加强刑事司法系统和对幸存者的支持。 Despite efforts to prevent such violence, the UN stresses the need for stronger criminal justice systems and support for survivors. 报告强调指出,家庭仍然是全球妇女最危险的地方,近60%的蓄意杀害妇女事件归咎于亲密伴侣或家庭成员。 The report highlights that the home remains the most dangerous place for women globally, with nearly 60% of intentional killings of women attributed to intimate partners or family members.